King Masmus, a dub/reggae solo artist known for his unique style and catchy lyrics, returns with his latest release titled “Kalapa.” This time, he collaborates with Heruwa, the charismatic frontman of the legendary band Shaggydog. The single was released through a collaboration between Yogyakarta-based DoggyHouse Records and OmOrbitin Entertainment.


Heruwa, also known by his moniker Poppa Tee and a key figure behind the Jamaican electronic duo Dubyouth, played a major role in the production of “Kalapa.” His sharp skill in crafting a vibrant, energetic steppers beat is evident throughout the track.

In addition to producing the song, Heruwa also lent his vocal to King Masmus. Together, they deliver light yet meaningful lyrics, a signature of King Masmus’ work, focusing on the existence value of the coconut fruit. With a touch of humor, they successfully convey a deep message without losing the entertaining aspect.

“Kalapa” is one of the singles recommended by Kultur Dot Media to be added to your music playlist.

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独自のスタイルとキャッチーな歌詞で知られるダブ/レゲエのソロアーティスト、King Masmusが新曲「Kalapa」を発表。今回は伝説的バンドShaggydogのカリスマ的なフロントマン、Heruwaとコラボ。このシングルは、ジョグジャカルタ拠点のDoggyHouse RecordsとOmOrbitin Entertainmentの共同リリース。

Heruwaは別名Poppa Teeとしても知られ、ジャマイカン・エレクトロデュオDubyouthの中心人物でもある。「Kalapa」の制作にも大きく関わり、フレッシュでエネルギーあふれるステッパーズ・ビートを巧みに作り上げている。

Heruwaはプロデューサーだけでなく、King Masmusと共にボーカルも担当。軽快ながらも深みのある歌詞で、ココナッツの価値をテーマにユーモアを交えた楽曲に仕上げた。メッセージ性を持ちながら、エンターテインメント性も損なっていない。
「Kalapa」はKultur Dot Mediaが推奨するプレイリストの一曲。