The nights in Hong Kong are currently heating up with special visitors from Japan. Dancehall master, I-VAN and his team are stirring up the dance floors of Hong Kong with events spanning over two days this weekend.
On January 20th, I-VAN will convey the essence and passion of dancehall through his workshop. Participants will learn a great deal from his extensive experience and skills, becoming enchanted by the unique style that intertwines Jamaican and Japanese cultures.
The following day, January 21st, marks the debut of the "BOO YA KA Dancehall Party vol.1". This event, co-hosted by Gyal DTS and Welovethiscity, is the first of its kind in Hong Kong, featuring dancehall, afrobeat, and amapiano.
Guests from Japan, DJ Chucky of KING LIFE STAR and DJ Shootin of ROCKET LAUNCHER, will join local Hong Kong DJ Chili Q to deliver Afro-Caribbean dance beats. I-VAN, as a special guest, will also participate, elevating the atmosphere with his dynamic performance.
The event will take place at the stunning Trilogy Rooftop in the heart of Hong Kong. Tickets are available for pre-purchase, with early bird tickets including a free drink.
This special weekend, blending Japanese and Jamaican cultures, is an unmissable event for dancehall enthusiasts. Dance and music lovers will have the opportunity to enjoy and engage in the fusion and exchange of different cultures.
翌日、1月21日には、「BOO YA KA Dancehall Party vol.1」が開催されます。このイベントは、Gyal DTSとWelovethiscityの共同主催によるもので、ダンスホール、アフロビート、アマピアノのダンスパーティとして初めて香港に登場します。
日本からのゲスト、KING LIFE STARのDJ ChuckyとROCKET LAUNCHERのDJ Shootinは、地元香港のDJ Chili Qと共に、アフロ・カリビアンのダンスビートを提供します。I-VANも特別ゲストとして参加し、彼のダイナミックなパフォーマンスで会場を更に盛り上げます。
このイベントは、香港の中心部にある絶景のロケーション、Trilogy Rooftopで行われます。チケットは事前購入が可能で、早割チケット購入者にはドリンク1杯が無料で提供されます。