
PUMAN, the reggae band from Yunnan Province, China, has released a new song titled "March Sixth."

The band gained attention with their 2021 release "BULANG BEAUTY," which came out on vinyl. In this latest release, PUMAN continues their unique style of blending ethnic music from the mysterious tropical rainforest region near the southern border of China with Laos and Myanmar, with reggae and dub influences.

中国雲南省のレゲエバンドPUMANが新曲「March Sixth」をリリース。

2021年にはレコード盤でリリースされた"BULANG BEAUTY”も記憶に新しい注目のバンド。今作においても、中国最南端のラオス、ミャンマーとの国境付近にある神秘的な熱帯雨林地帯の民族音楽をレゲエ、ダブと融合させたスタイルは健在。