Indonesian Reggae Band Momonon Releases New Song "Cindewulung"!
The popular Indonesian reggae band Momonon has released their latest single, "Cindewulung," from their 20th-anniversary album "Hibernasi." This release, which came out yesterday, is highly anticipated by fans.
Momonon has been releasing singles each week, including "Neng Bela," "To My B," and "Ditinggal Teman." All these songs are advance releases from "Hibernasi."
They are currently on a 12-city tour called "Road to Album 4," with a free live performance scheduled at the Rangkasbitung city square. This tour is part of the promotional activities for "Hibernasi."
On April 16, 2024, Momonon celebrated their 20th anniversary. The band continues to perform with the same members, and their music remains beloved by many fans.
Momononは、「Neng Bela」、「To My B」、「Ditinggal Teman」といったシングルを毎週リリースしてきました。これらはすべて「Hibernasi」からの先行配信です。
彼らは現在、12都市ツアー「Road to Album 4」を開催中で、ランカスビトゥン市広場での無料ライブも予定されています。このツアーはアルバム「Hibernasi」のプロモーションの一環です。