The most anticipated figure in the current Jamaican reggae scene!!
A leading figure in the "Reggae Revival Movement"!!
Highly anticipated debut album release!!

JAH LIL - a reggae artist and singer hailing from Downtown Kingston, Jamaica. Growing up in the turbulent streets of the ghetto, he found salvation and hope in music and aspired to become an artist. In his teens, he won a contest organized by the Jamaican government. Following this, he began his career as an artist in earnest, working with producers like DANNY BROWNE of Main Street. In 2017, he released the single "Walk Good" through VP RECORDS and was spotlighted as a promising newcomer in the UK BBC 1Xtra Jamaica special feature the same year. However, he had to pause his artist activities due to health issues.

During this hiatus, he met TEFLON ZINCFENCE, a prominent producer known for working with CHRONIXX and KOFFEE, among others. With TEFLON ZINCFENCE, JAH LIL prepared to resume his activities, and with his health improving, he began creating music again. He released singles through Germany's SILLY WALKS, with whom he had connections before his hiatus, and gradually accelerated towards a full-fledged comeback.

The first single of his full-fledged comeback, produced by TEFLON ZINCFENCE, "Can A Man Cry," was released in November 2023 through OUTDEH.
OUTDEH is the label and production company that discovered and nurtured CHRONIXX, supporting his global breakthrough. It has also contributed to the global success of KOFFEE and SKILLIBENG. With staff spread across various countries, this creative team handles numerous talents, including KRANIUM and BAYKA. JAH LIL also signed and joined the label with the release of this single.
Starting with "Can A Man Cry," JAH LIL will release singles produced by various producers, including TEFLON ZINCFENCE, such as "Above Water," "Currency Called Time," and "Step By Step" through OUTDEH in 2024. Through these singles, not only will he mark his full comeback and activity resumption, but also showcase the breadth of his expression and talent.

JAH LIL's songs capture the listener's emotions due to his conscious messages, shaped by his devout Rastafarian beliefs, his difficult experiences, and memories. His music is rooted in the roots rock reggae of Jamaica but extends beyond that with his free and innovative expressions as an artist.
Alongside artists like MORTIMER, SAMORY-I, CHRONIXX, PROTOJE, JAH9, KABAKA PYRAMID, and JESSE ROYAL, who lead the "Reggae Revival Movement," JAH LIL is a powerful talent renewing Jamaican reggae today. His emotional voice and flow, combining sorrow and strength, are especially special.

JAH LIL's highly anticipated debut album, "CAN A MAN CRY," is being released by OUTDEH. This first major release for his global breakthrough includes ten tracks, including the four previously released singles. To coincide with the release, the music video for the new track "Pet Pamper" will also be unveiled.
With the release of this album, JAH LIL will also resume live performances. A long-term European tour starting in the UK is scheduled, beginning his global outreach.

Original article: 24x7RECORDS


 JAH LIL ー。ジャマイカ、キングストン、ダウンタウン出身のレゲエ・アーティスト&シンガー。ゲットーの荒れた街の中で音楽に救いと希望を持ち、アーティストの道を志して育った。10代でジャマイカ政府主催のコンテストで優勝、その後にDANNY BROWNE〈MAIN STREET〉他のプロデューサー達と本格的にアーティストとしての活動を開始し、2017年にはVP RECORDSからシングル「Walk Good」をリリース、同年にはUK・BBC 1Xtraのジャマイカ特集企画の中で注目の新人として取り上げられるなど注目を集めた。しかし、その後に体調を患い、アーティスト活動を休止することに。

 その活動休止期間中に出会ったのがTEFLON ZINCFENCE。CHRONIXX、KOFFEE他の楽曲のプロデュースで知られる気鋭のプロデューサー。そのTEFLON ZINCFENCEのもとで活動再開に向けての準備を進め、体調改善と共に制作活動を再開。活動休止前から交流のあったドイツの〈SILLY WALKS〉からシングルもリリースし、徐々に本格復帰へと加速。

 そして、その本格復帰第1弾シングルとしてTEFLON ZINCEFENCEプロデュースによる「Can A Man Cry」を2023年11月に〈OUTDEH〉からリリース。
 〈OUTDEH〉はCHRONIXXを発掘&育成、その世界的ブレイクを後押ししたレーベル&プロダクション。KOFFEE、SKILLIBENGの世界進出にも貢献、現在にKRANIUM、BAYKA他数多く手掛ける世界各国にスタッフが点在するクリエイティヴ・チーム。JAH LILも同シングルのリリースをきっかけに契約・所属。
「Can A Man Cry」を皮切りに2024年にTEFLON ZINCFENCE以外のプロデューサー達とも制作した「Above Water」「Currency Called Time」 「Step By Step」を〈OUTDEH〉からリリース。それらのシングルを通じて本格復帰・活動再開だけではなく、その表現と才能の振り幅を伝えることに。
 敬虔なラスタファリアンとしての意識、これまでの困難な体験と経験と記憶によって養われた意識、そして現在にジャマイカで生きるレゲエ・アーティストとしての意識。JAH LILのそのコンシャスでメッセージが存在する楽曲が聴く者の気持ちを捉えるのはそうした自信のリアル、自らの体験に裏付けられた現実と事実が存在すること、そして、ジャマイカのルーツ・ロック・レゲエを音楽的な軸にしつつも、それには留まらない自由で新たな表現を提示できるアーティストとしての確かな意志とスタイルを持ち合わせていることから。

 MORTIMER、SAMORY-I他、現在にCHRONIXX、PROTOJE、JAH9、KABAKA PYRAMID、JESSE ROYAL他が牽引した「レゲエ・リヴァイラル・ムーヴメント」のスピリットを引き継ぐアーティスト達と同様にJAH LILもジャマイカのレゲエを現在に更新する強力な才能。そして、そのしなやかながらも嘆きも強さの確かなソウルが存在するエモーショナルな歌声とフローは特別。

 そのJAH LIL待望のデビュー・アルバム、本格世界進出第1弾作『CAN A MAN CRY』がOUTDEHから登場。上記既発シングル4曲を含む全10曲。リリースに合わせて新たに収録曲から激好曲「Pet Pamper」のビデオも公開予定。
 本作のリリースを受けて、JAH LILはライヴ活動も再開。UKから長期のヨーロッパ・ツアーも決定。その存在を世界に向けて発信開始。
