大阪のレゲエシーンで重要な存在として活動を続けるRED CARPETが、待望のフルアルバム『生道愛楽』をリリース。破天荒な人生を生き抜いてきた彼にとって、この作品は長年の経験や葛藤が凝縮された特別な一枚だ。

昭和生まれのRED CARPETは、仲間や家族と共に歩んだ喜怒哀楽をリリックに刻み、独自の日本語表現で紡ぎ出すスタイルが特徴。今回のアルバムについて、彼は「ただ好きなことを追い求め、原点に戻った気持ちで作った」と語っている。


「聴いている人が主役であってほしい。自分の経験と重ね合わせて楽しんでほしい」。RED CARPETのメッセージが詰まった『生道愛楽』を、ぜひ手に取って感じてほしい。

RED CARPET Drops Long-Awaited Album, 生道愛楽, After Six Years

RED CARPET, a key figure in Osaka’s reggae scene, has finally released his full album 生道愛楽. This work represents his life’s journey—a mix of struggles, resilience, and a passion for music that has stayed strong even after all these years.

Born in the Showa era, RED CARPET developed his style by expressing life’s raw emotions—joy, anger, and sadness—alongside family and friends, all told through his distinct Japanese lyrics. Describing his new album, he said, “I just went back to what I love and made it from that place of returning to my roots.”

The album took shape following his return from an intense period in Bangkok, where challenges and new experiences led him to a fresh start. He recalls entering a voicing room back in Japan, feeling like he’d “returned home,” which sparked his creative drive. With this album, he hopes to connect with anyone fighting their own battles, facing their reality head-on.

“This is for the listener to take center stage, to find pieces of themselves in it and enjoy the journey,” says RED CARPET. 生道愛楽 is ready to resonate—don’t miss it.