The Lynn Taitt Band
Searching (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
The Creations,The Lynn Taitt Band
Fall and Rise (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
Victor Morris,The Lynn Taitt Band
The World Needs Love (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
Roy Shirley,The Lynn Taitt Band
Meet Me at Eight (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
The Creations,The Lynn Taitt Band
I'm Not Your Man (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
Errol Dunkley,The Lynn Taitt Band
Sometimes I Sit Down and Cry (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
The Leaders,The Lynn Taitt Band
Now I'm All Alone (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
Victor Morris,Girlie,The Lynn Taitt Band
The Big Takeover (with The Lynn Taitt Band)
The Overtakers,The Lynn Taitt Band