Monteverdi Choir
Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Coronation Anthem No. 1, HWV 258 "Zadok the Priest"
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Duet. "The Lord is my strength"
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Semele, HWV 58, Act 1: Chorus. "Lucky omens bless our rites" - Recitative, Air and Duet. "Daughter obey" (Priests, Cadmus, Athamas)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir,Robert Lloyd,Timothy Penrose
Sacrarum cantionum liber primus a 5: No. 3, Ave dulcissima Maria
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Funeral Sentences: In the Midst of Life, Z. 17A
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: I. Dixit Dominus, Domino meo
John Eliot Gardiner,Charles Brett,Felicity Palmer,John Angelo Messana,Monteverdi Choir
The Tempest, Z. 631, Act 5: Duet and Chorus. "No Stars Again Shall Hurt You" (Amphitrite, Neptune, Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Jennifer Smith,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Varcoe
L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Pt. 1: Air and Chorus. "Or let the merry bells" - "And young and old come"
John Eliot Gardiner,Michael Ginn,Monteverdi Choir
Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Air with Chorus. "And the children of Israel"
John Eliot Gardiner,Christopher Royall,Monteverdi Choir
Funeral Sentences: Man That Is Born of a Woman, Z. 27
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 1: Song and Chorus. "Come If You Dare" - First Act Tune (British Warrior, Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir,Paul Elliott
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 2: Song and Chorus. "Hither, This Way, This Way Bend" (Philidel, Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Gillian Fisher,Monteverdi Choir
Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Chorus. "He smote all the first-born of Egypt"
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
The Indian Queen, Z. 630, Act 3: "We the Spirits of the Air" (Third Aerial Spirit, Fourth Aerial Spirit, Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Gillian Fisher,Monteverdi Choir,Rosemary Hardy
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 2: Chorus. "Come, Shepherds, Lead up a Lively Measure" - Hornpipe (Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Stabat Mater in C Minor: VII. Juxta crucem
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Les Fêtes d'Hébé, Troisième entrée "La Danse": Petit chœur. "Le charmant art d'Eglé" (Chœur, Mercure)
Monteverdi Orchestra,John Eliot Gardiner,Jean-Claude Orliac,Monteverdi Choir
Scylla et Glaucus, Op. 11, Prologue: "Ciel ! Quels attentats furieux !" (Chef des peuples, Chœur, Les Propétides)
John Eliot Gardiner,Andrew Murgatroyd,Monteverdi Choir,Nicolas Robertson,René Schirrer
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 3: Prelude - Chorus. "See, See, We Assemble" - Dance (Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VIII. Gloria Patri et Filio
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VII. De torrente in via bibet
John Eliot Gardiner,Felicity Palmer,Margaret Marshall,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VI. Dominus a dextris tuis
John Eliot Gardiner,Alastair Thompson,David Wilson-Johnson,Felicity Palmer,Margaret Marshall,Monteverdi Choir,Richard Morton
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: V. Secundum ordinem Melchisedech
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: IV. Juravit Dominus
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: I. Dixit Dominus, Domino meo
John Eliot Gardiner,Charles Brett,Felicity Palmer,John Angelo Messana,Monteverdi Choir
Messe de requiem: VI. Agnus Dei
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir,Wynford Evans
Versa Est in Luctum
Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: I. Dixit Dominus, Domino meo
John Eliot Gardiner,Charles Brett,Felicity Palmer,John Angelo Messana,Monteverdi Choir
L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Pt. 1: Air and Chorus. "Or Let the Merry Bells" - "And Young and Old Come"
John Eliot Gardiner,Michael Ginn,Monteverdi Choir
Scylla et Glaucus, Op. 11, Act 3: "Chantons Scylla et célébrons ses charmes" (Chœur)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Scylla et Glaucus, Op. 11, Act 3: "Chantons Scylla et célébrons ses charmes" (Chœur)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Orphée et Eurydice, Wq. 41, Act 1: Chœur. "Ah ! Dans ce bois tranquille et sombre" (Nymphes, Bergers, Orphée)
John Eliot Gardiner,Anne Sofie von Otter,Monteverdi Choir
Coronation Anthem No. 1, HWV 258 "Zadok the Priest"
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir, BWV 228
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren, BWV 231
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
L'enfance du Christ, Op. 25, H 130, Pt. 2: "Il s'en va loin de la terre" (Chœur)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Messe de requiem: VII. Post-communion
John Eliot Gardiner,Dinah Harris,Judith Nelson,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Harris
Messe de requiem: VI. Agnus Dei
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir,Wynford Evans
Messe de requiem: V. Sanctus
John Eliot Gardiner,Dinah Harris,Judith Nelson,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Roberts
Messe de requiem: III. Graduel
John Eliot Gardiner,Jean-Claude Orliac,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Roberts
Messe de requiem: II. Kyrie
John Eliot Gardiner,Jean-Claude Orliac,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Roberts
Messe de requiem: I. Introït
John Eliot Gardiner,Jean-Claude Orliac,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Roberts,Wynford Evans
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VIII. Gloria Patri et Filio
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VII. De torrente in via bibet
John Eliot Gardiner,Felicity Palmer,Margaret Marshall,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VI. Dominus a dextris tuis
John Eliot Gardiner,Alastair Thompson,David Wilson-Johnson,Felicity Palmer,Margaret Marshall,Monteverdi Choir,Richard Morton
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: V. Secundum ordinem Melchisedech
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: IV. Juravit Dominus
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: I. Dixit Dominus, Domino meo
John Eliot Gardiner,Charles Brett,Felicity Palmer,John Angelo Messana,Monteverdi Choir
O Maria, vernans rosa
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode to St Cecilia": Final Chorus. "Hail! Bright Cecilia"
John Eliot Gardiner,Ashley Stafford,Brian Gordon,David Thomas,Monteverdi Choir,Paul Elliott
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode to St Cecilia": Chorus. "Soul of the World"
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode to St Cecilia": Chorus. "Hail! Bright Cecilia"
John Eliot Gardiner,Ashley Stafford,Brian Gordon,David Thomas,Jennifer Smith,Monteverdi Choir,Paul Elliott,Stephen Varcoe
Salvator mundi
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Funeral Sentences: Thou Know'st, Lord, Z. 58C
John Eliot Gardiner,Charles Brett,Equale Brass Ensemble,Felicity Lott,John Williams,Monteverdi Choir,Thomas Allen
Funeral Sentences: In the Midst of Life, Z. 17A
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir,Equale Brass Ensemble
Funeral Sentences: Man That Is Born of a Woman, Z. 27
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Come Ye Sons of Art, Z. 323 "Ode for Queen Mary's Birthday": No. 4, Chorus. "Come Ye Sons of Art Away"
John Eliot Gardiner,Equale Brass Ensemble,Monteverdi Choir
O Maria, vernans rosa
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 2: Song and Chorus. "How Blest Are Shepherds" (Tenor, Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,English Baroque Soloists,Monteverdi Choir,Paul Elliott
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act 1: Trio and Chorus. "Woden, First to Thee" - "To Woden, Our Defender, Thanks We Render" (Saxon Priest, Priestess, Chorus)
John Eliot Gardiner,Ashley Stafford,English Baroque Soloists,Monteverdi Choir,Paul Elliott,Stephen Varcoe
L'Orfeo, SV 318, Act 1: "Vieni Imeneo"
English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode to St Cecilia": Final Chorus. "Hail! Bright Cecilia"
John Eliot Gardiner,Ashley Stafford,Brian Gordon,David Thomas,Monteverdi Choir,Paul Elliott
Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Salvator mundi
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Orphée et Eurydice, Wq. 41, Act 1: Chœur. "Ah ! Dans ce bois tranquille et sombre" (Nymphes, Bergers, Orphée)
John Eliot Gardiner,Anne Sofie von Otter,Monteverdi Choir
L'enfance du Christ, Op. 25, H 130, Pt. 2: "Il s'en va loin de la terre" (Chœur)
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline, HWV 264 "The Ways of Zion Do Mourn": VIII. Soli and Chorus. "The righteous shall be had in everlasting"
John Eliot Gardiner,Charles Brett,Martyn Hill,Monteverdi Choir,Norma Burrowes,Stephen Varcoe
Scylla et Glaucus, Op. 11, Act 4: "Brillante fille de Latone" - Deuxième air des démons (Circé, Chœur)
John Eliot Gardiner,English Baroque Soloists,Monteverdi Choir,Rachel Yakar
Messe de requiem: I. Introït
John Eliot Gardiner,Jean-Claude Orliac,Monteverdi Choir,Stephen Roberts,Wynford Evans
Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: VII. De torrente in via bibet
John Eliot Gardiner,Felicity Palmer,Margaret Marshall,Monteverdi Choir
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act I: Song and Chorus. "Come If You Dare" - First Act Tune
John Eliot Gardiner,Paul Agnew,English Baroque Soloists,Monteverdi Choir
O Maria, vernans rosa
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes, Z. 135
John Eliot Gardiner,English Baroque Soloists,John Tomlinson,Maldwyn Davies,Monteverdi Choir
Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Chorus. "And with the blast of thy nostrils"
John Eliot Gardiner,Monteverdi Choir