Gwynne Howell
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Act I: "Olà. Guardie!" (Lusignano, Mocenigo, Gerardo, Caterina)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Ryan Edwards,Gwynne Howell,Giacomo Aragall,Montserrat Caballé
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Act I: "Io. Indietro" (Lusignano, Mocenigo, Caterina)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Ryan Edwards,Gwynne Howell,Montserrat Caballé
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Act I: "Parti!... Un mistero tremendo odi pria" (Caterina, Gerardo, Mocenigo)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Montserrat Caballé,Giacomo Aragall,Gwynne Howell
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Act I: "Credi che dorma, o incauto, perché il leon non rugge?" (Mocenigo, Strozzi)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Gwynne Howell,Gérard Friedman
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Act I: "Sei bella, o Cipro!" (Mocenigo, Strozzi)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Gwynne Howell,Gérard Friedman
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Prologo: "Dunque è ver bugiardo core" (Gerardo, Caterina, Mocenigo)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Giacomo Aragall,Mantserrat Caballé,Gwynne Howell
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Prologo: "Spera in me, della tua vita l'ombra cupa si dirada" (Gerardo, Caterina, Mocenigo)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Giacomo Aragall,Mantserrat Caballé,Gwynne Howell
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Prologo: "Ohimé! qui ancor, padre mio?" (Caterina, Andrea, Mocenigo, Gerardo)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Montserrat Caballé,Gwynne Howell,Giacomo Aragall
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Prologo: "Dell'empia Cipro il popolo, stolto e ribelle ognora" (Mocenigo, Andrea)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Gwynne Howell
Caterina Cornaro, IGD 16, Prologo: "Or che siam soli, ascoltami" (La maschera, Andrea, Mocenigo)
Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF,Gianfranco Masini,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act III: "Altro de' nostri è questo" (Samuel, Renato, Tom, Oscar)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Gwynne Howell,Piero Cappuccilli,Paul Hudson,Reri Grist
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act III: "Alle danze questa notte" (Oscar, Amelia, Renato, Samuel, Tom)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Reri Grist,Katia Ricciarelli,Piero Cappuccilli,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act III: "Ma chi vien?... Tu?" (Tom, Renato, Amelia, Samuel)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Paul Hudson,Piero Cappuccilli,Katia Ricciarelli,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act III: "Siam soli. Udite" (Renato, Tom, Samuel)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Piero Cappuccilli,Paul Hudson,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act II: "Ve' se di notte qui co' la sposa" (Samuel, Tom, Coro, Amelia, Renato)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Gwynne Howell,Paul Hudson,Chorus of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Katia Ricciarelli
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act II: "Seguitemi - Mio Dio!" (Renato, Amelia, Coro, Samuel, Tom)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Piero Cappuccilli,Katia Ricciarelli,Chorus of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act I: "Finisci il vaticinio" (Riccardo, Ulrica, Oscar, Samuel, Tom, Coro, Renato, Silvano)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Plácido Domingo,Elizabeth Bainbridge,Reri Grist,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act I: "È scherzo od è follia" (Riccardo, Oscar, Coro, Samuel, Tom, Ulrica)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Chorus of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act I: "Chi voi siate, l'audace parola" (Ulrica, Riccardo, Samuel, Oscar, Tom, Coro)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Elizabeth Bainbridge,Plácido Domingo,Gwynne Howell,Reri Grist
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act I: "Su, profetessa, monta il treppiè" (Samuel, Tom, Coro, Oscar, Riccardo)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Gwynne Howell,Paul Hudson,Chorus of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Reri Grist
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act I: "La rivedrà nell'estasi" (Riccardo, Samuel, Tom, Oscar, Coro)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Plácido Domingo,Gwynne Howell,Paul Hudson,Reri Grist
Un ballo in maschera, IGV 32, Act I: "Posa in pace, a' bei sogni ristora" (Coro, Samuel, Tom, Oscar, Riccardo)
Orchestra of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Claudio Abbado,Chorus of Royal Opera House - Coven Garden,Gwynne Howell,Paul Hudson,Reri Grist
Tosca, Act 3: "E non giungono" (Tosca, Cavaradossi, Carceriere)
アンジェラ・ゲオルギュー/ルッジェロ・ライモンディ/ロベルト・アラーニャ,アンジェラ・ゲオルギュー,Gwynne Howell,ロベルト・アラーニャ
Tosca, Act 3: "Vi resta un'ora" (Carceriere, Cavaradossi)
Antonio Pappano,Gwynne Howell,Roberto Alagna
Tosca, Act 3: "Mario Cavaradossi? A voi" (Carceriere)
Antonio Pappano,Gwynne Howell
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "La rivedrà nell'estasi" (Riccardo, Oscar, Coro, Samuele, Tom)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in mascheras, Act 1: "Ogni cura si doni al diletto" (Riccardo, Renato, Oscar, Samuel, Tom, Coro)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "Volta la terrea" (Oscar, Riccardo, Giudice, Renato, Samuel, Tom, Coro)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Kenneth Collins,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act I Tableau 2 No. 11: Su, profetessa - Di' tu se fedele (Horn, Ribbing, Oscar, Gustavo, Chorus)
Placido Domingo,Reri Grist,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,New Philharmonia Orchestra,Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Richard Van Allan
Un ballo in maschera, Act 3: "Fervono amori e danze" (Coro, Samuel, Renato, Tom, Oscar)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 3: "Ah! Di che fulgor, che musiche" (Renato, Oscar, Amelia, Samuel, Tom)
Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Martina Arroyo,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 3: "Qual è dunque l'eletto?" - "Ah! del Conte la morte si vuole!" (Renato, Samuel, Tom, Amelia)
Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Martina Arroyo,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 3: "D'una grazia vi supplico" (Renato, Samuel, Tom, Amelia)
Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Martina Arroyo,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 3: "Dunque l'onta di tutti sol una" (Renato, Tom, Samuel)
Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 3: "Starn soli. Udite..." (Renato, Tom, Samuel)
Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 2: "Ve', se di notte qui colla sposa" (Renato, Amelia, Coro, Samuel, Tom)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Martina Arroyo,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "Finisi il vatcinio" (Riccardo, Ulrica, Samuel, Tom, Renato, Coro, Silvano)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Fiorenza Cossotto,Giorgio Giorgetti,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Plácido Domingo,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "E scherzo od è follia" (Riccardo, Ulrica, Samuel, Tom, Oscar, Coro)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Fiorenza Cossotto,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "Chi voi siate, l'audace parola" (Ulrica, Riccardo, Samuel, Oscar, Coro)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Fiorenza Cossotto,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in mascheras, Act 1: "Ogni cura si doni al diletto" (Riccardo, Renato, Oscar, Samuel, Tom, Coro)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "Volta la terrea" (Oscar, Riccardo, Giudice, Renato, Samuel, Tom, Coro)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Kenneth Collins,Medici String Quartet,Piero Cappuccilli,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "La rivedrà nell'estasi" (Riccardo, Oscar, Coro, Samuele, Tom)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Plácido Domingo,Reri Grist,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: "Posa in pace, a'bei sogni restora" (Coro, Samuel, Tom)
Riccardo Muti,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,Girls from the Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Elstree,Gwynne Howell,Medici String Quartet,Richard Van Allan,Rodney Slatford
Un ballo in maschera, Act I Tableau 2 No. 11: Su, profetessa - Di' tu se fedele (Horn, Ribbing, Oscar, Gustavo, Chorus)
Placido Domingo,Reri Grist,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,New Philharmonia Orchestra,Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Richard Van Allan
Un ballo in maschera, Act I Tableau 2 No. 11: Su, profetessa - Di' tu se fedele (Horn, Ribbing, Oscar, Gustavo, Chorus)
Placido Domingo,Reri Grist,Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden,New Philharmonia Orchestra,Riccardo Muti,Gwynne Howell,Richard Van Allan
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Finale. "Comme lui nous aurions dû faire" (Melchthal, Rodolphe, Jemmy, Hedwige, Chœur)
Lamberto Gardelli,Ambrosian Opera Chorus,Gwynne Howell,Jocelyne Taillon,Mady Mesplé,Ricardo Cassinelli
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Finale. "Ils vont parler" (Melchthal, Jemmy, Hedwige, Rodolphe, Chœur)
Lamberto Gardelli,Ambrosian Opera Chorus,Gwynne Howell,Jocelyne Taillon,Mady Mesplé,Ricardo Cassinelli
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Finale. "Dieu de bonté, Dieu tout-puissant" (Chœur, Rodolphe, Jemmy, Hedwige, Melchthal)
Lamberto Gardelli,Ambrosian Opera Chorus,Gwynne Howell,Jocelyne Taillon,Mady Mesplé,Ricardo Cassinelli
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Récitatif. "Pâle et tremblant, se soutenant à peine" (Jemmy, Ruodi, Leuthold, Hedwige, Melchthal)
Lamberto Gardelli,Charles Burles,Gwynne Howell,Jocelyne Taillon,Mady Mesplé,Nicolas Christou
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Récitatif. "Des antiques vertus vous nous rendez l'exemple" (Melchthal, Guillaume)
Lamberto Gardelli,Gabriel Bacquier,Gwynne Howell
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Chœur et récitatif. "Quand le ciel entend votre promesse" (Melchthal, Guillaume, Chœur, Arnold)
Lamberto Gardelli,Ambrosian Opera Chorus,Gabriel Bacquier,Gwynne Howell,Nicolai Gedda
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Récitatif. "Contre les feux du jour que mon toit solitaire" (Guillaume, Melchthal)
Lamberto Gardelli,Gabriel Bacquier,Gwynne Howell
Guillaume Tell, Act 1: Scène. "Pasteurs, que vos accents s'unissent" (Melchthal, Chœur, Arnold, Ruodi, Guillaume)
Lamberto Gardelli,Ambrosian Opera Chorus,Charles Burles,Gabriel Bacquier,Gwynne Howell,Nicolai Gedda
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: XII. Benedictus
Richard Hickox,Alfreda Hodgson,Arthur Davies,Gwynne Howell,London Symphony Chorus,Northern Sinfonia Chorus,Yvonne Kenny
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IX. Domine Jesu Christe
Richard Hickox,Alfreda Hodgson,Arthur Davies,Gwynne Howell,London Symphony Chorus,Northern Sinfonia Chorus,Yvonne Kenny
Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IV. Tuba mirum
Richard Hickox,Alfreda Hodgson,Arthur Davies,Gwynne Howell,London Symphony Chorus,Northern Sinfonia Chorus,Yvonne Kenny